
Static Typing

Types of variables In the last article, I talked about variables. Boxes, and that they might be a good idea after all. Now, there are two types of programming languages: dynamically typed and statically typed, and there is a mechanism to fix the type of data to be stored in a variable. Let’s talk about that… In JavaScript, which I often write. First, I would like to mention that there are several types of data that can be stored in variables.
2 min read

On the image of variables and classes

Think about variables and classes
3 min read

Running a feap program using Docker

Preface feap(A Finite Element Analysis Program) This is a finite element analysis program in Japanese. I was asked by an acquaintance if I could execute the learning code of this program, so I created an environment using Docker. The code I created is here The official website of feap is here Suffering First, I searched on GitHub for Docker feap and no luck, and got only one hit. I found the Dockerfile, but the link specified in the file was broken, so I couldn’t build it.
2 min read