programming, Performance

Relocating the blog

next.js to hugo I found out that there is a program that can easily create a static site with go binaries. The library hugo is very fast because it’s made with go. It’s also very easy to change the theme, which I really appreciate. Anyway, I don’t have a habit of writing blogs, so it probably doesn’t mean much to me.
1 min read

From jpg to webp

Why do we use webp? I’m currently taking a PHP course at Udemy, where I learned about the webp extension. It seems to be an extension created by Google that can compress images with reversible compression and alpha (transparency). Free image samples from the Internet Try to convert a free image from the net to webp The following is a sample image I’ll be using. These are images that I used in my blog in the past, and may use in the future.
2 min read